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Stop the Nonsense: Zero Positive Cases in the NBA & NHL Bubbles Isn’t Impressive

October 13, 2020 fenty33 2 min read

Stop the Nonsense: Zero Positive Cases in the NBA & NHL Bubbles Isn’t Impressive

October 13, 2020 Jack Fenty 2 min read

By: Jack Fenty

I just don’t get it. Why do people think it’s impressive that the NHL and NBA had zero positive Covid-19 cases in their respective bubbles? We all know the impact Covid-19 has had on the United States, 220,000 people have died from the virus, that is a fact, but why are people acting like having zero cases in a closed bubble is impressive?

I’ve seen people saying “Adam Silver (NBA commissioner) should lead the United States’ Covid-19 Task Force” or “Americans should really take note about what the NHL & NBA have done in combating Covid-19 in the resumption of their seasons.”

I don’t want to take anything away from the NBA & NHL, because zero positive cases is zero cases and that is the ultimate goal in fully defeating Covid-19, but let’s take a step back for a minute. Having zero positive cases in a closed bubble with the best medical staff, daily testing and professional athletes, it’s neither that impressive or realistic for the “real world.” We, the real world, don’t have the privilege to live in a bubble and get paid millions of dollars while doing it.

I’m no medical expert, but I would assume if you put 300 non-professional athletes in a closed bubble, with the best medical staff and daily testing there would also be no positive Covid-19 cases. There is no correlation between the NBA bubble and real life!

This isn’t politics, it’s just common sense.

Jack Fenty

Founder. Lifelong sports fan and biggest hockey fan around. For more, follow on twitter, @Fenty_nosebleed.

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