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St. Louis Now Hates The Nosebleed Hockey Boys

September 29, 2019 fenty33 1 min read

St. Louis Now Hates The Nosebleed Hockey Boys

September 29, 2019 Jack Fenty 1 min read

Well it’s official, the city of St. Louis hates the Nosebleed Hockey team. Why? Because of the injustice done to their beloved Blues in our Central Division Prediction blog. That injustice being not one Nosebleed writer predicting the Blues to finish in the top 3 of the Central Division.

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Here were some of the reactions we witnessed:

Look I get it, picking the defending cup champions to not finish top 3 in the division is a hard pill to swallow, but when it’s all 5 writers that is something else. I get it St. Louis. This was not planned though, each writer made their own predictions without seeing any of the other writers picks. Sooooo yeah, is it kind of crazy to predict the Blues will not make the playoffs? Yes, but it can definitely happen. This is the NHL folks, this kind of craziness happens every single year.

I always find it fascinating when parts of a fanbase are so biased toward their own team they can’t even accept other people’s points of view. Well that was the case here and we’ll see how it pays out Blues fans…

Jack Fenty

Founder. Lifelong sports fan and biggest hockey fan around. For more, follow on twitter, @Fenty_nosebleed.

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